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10th ARU Guild Cabinet Sworn in

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-27 at 10.09.08 PM

10th ARU Guild Cabinet Sworn in

In accordance with Article 22 of the African Rural University Guild Constitution, the 10th Guild Cabinet has been sworn in at ARU Campus today,7/27/2024 at Centre for Reflection at ARU Campus.
In her remarks, the Chief Guest, Ms. Rose Keishanyu, the University Secretary of ARU, congratulated the new ARU Guild Cabinet for successfully assuming their new leadership roles, emphasizing that leadership is a gift from God. She shared her experiences as a Guild Representative Council member at Mary Stuart, Makerere University, in the 1990s, crediting that journey for her current standing. She encouraged the Guild President and the new cabinet to align with ARU’s vision and mission, and urged all students to prioritize their education for a brighter future.
“Your fellow students have placed a significant responsibility in your hands to lead and inspire. It is now your duty to represent their interests with integrity, passion, and dedication. True leadership lies in humility. Never lose sight of your vision to become a rural transformation specialist. Ask yourself about your fundamental choices, primary and secondary. Seek mentorship from the outgoing team and be open to feedback. Work towards a shared vision. African Rural University has equipped you with values.”
In her remarks, Out going Guild President Jackline Katusabe gave account of her reign citing improved partnership,transparency as some of the gains during her time
In her remarks, the Guild President -Jacklyne Alinaitwe thanked students for voting her into power adding that promote, uphold and protect or defend the ARU constitution.
“As your Guild President, I am committed to being a servant leader, guided by the values of integrity, accountability, and empathy, fortunate to be surrounded by a dedicated team of students, faculty, and staff who share this vision. I invite each of you to join me in this endeavour, to bring your ideas, your passion, and your energy to the table. Together, we can make African Rural University a model of excellence and a force for positive change.”
She also promised to work based on a shared vision and listen to voice of students who entrusted her with leadership
“I pledge to work tirelessly to ensure that our voices are heard, our concerns are addressed, and our ideas are nurtured. We will foster a culture of open dialogue, collaboration, and mutual respect. Together, we will create an environment where innovation thrives, where issues are met with resilience, and where success is defined not only by academic achievement but by our contributions to the well-being of our communities.”

New Guild Body Swearing in
The Guild Executive as per Article twenty-seven consists of: a) Guild President – Jacklyn Alinaitwe b) Vice Guild President – Atolo Rebecca c) Minister of Campus Affairs and Welfare – Kunihira Natumanya d) Minister of Finance – Atujune Ruth e) Minister of Foreign Affairs – Ndyasiima Doreen f) Minister of Education, Games, and Sports – Akankwasa Regious g) General Secretary – Muhumuza Shadia h) Faculty Representative – Kajumba Monica and Class Representatives
In his remarks, the Academic Registrar, Mr. Lwanga Anthony Claret, congratulated the guild team, especially President Jacklyn Alinaitwe, noting her new role as a policy and council member of the ARU Council. He stressed the significance of leadership in influencing policy and encouraged the Guild Council to capitalize on opportunities at ARU to generate income, such as supplying perishables internally rather than purchasing from outside.
Mr. Lwanga also reaffirmed ARU’s commitment to quality assurance, mentioning that the university has applied for a charter and is dedicated to maintaining its value-based niche. He announced that ARU is currently accepting applications for the August 2024/2025 intake for the Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Agriculture and the Bachelor of Rural Development.
To crown off the day, Outgoing guild Cabinet were awarded certificates in recognition of their service as leaders at ARU.

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