Community Engagements

Community Engagements

Using Community Action Planning, the interns with backup support from the Epicentre Managers and village Chairpersons, facilitates village meetings to enable communities make action plans. The principles of the creative process are articulated by using the visionary approach. The power of Structural tension is demonstrated by using both the rubber band and visioning techniques which participants are asked to perform. This helps community members to create a shift from problem-solving to the visionary orientation to development.
They learn how to formulate shared village visions and plans. Over ten (10) Village plans and fifteen (15) group plans were made. For example, in Kabamba sub county alone, three (3) village visions were formulated and Community Action Plans designed in the villages of Kaisolya, Kabamba and Kyakazimire village.
The intern collaborates with the EMs and village Chairpersons to mobilize the population and conduct village meetings that are aimed at getting to know the villages, resources that are available, social infrastructures, and understanding what people desires to see in their villages in future. A case in point is the Kaisolya village vision which reads as follows: “A Prosperous village with 2 protected water springs,3 shall well, one government aided primary school and network of tarmac roads with electricity and security lights and 2 clinics by 2040’’. On the current reality, “the village has 1water spring and 2 open well, no government aided school, insecurity all over the place, no clinic and roads are in poor conditions’’. Some steps were taken to towards achieving the village vision; for example, people agreed to work upon the water sources first after acknowledging that health is very important. This vision motivates them to participate more actively in subsequent meetings including those on Parish Development Model to achieve the Uganda Vision 2040 and global Sustainable Development Goals ​